Hereford Cattle For Sale


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Hereford Cattle For Sale – Hereford Cow For Sale

Hereford Cattle For Sale, The Hereford cattle are a meat cattle breed originally from Herefordshire, England, United Kingdom. It is mainly a meat cattle breed and widely used for meat production in many different countries. The exact origin of the Hereford has been lost over time. But it is generally agreed that the breed was founded on the draught ox descended from the small red cattle of Roman Briton and from a large Welsh breed once numerous along the border of England and Wales.

Hereford Cattle Characteristics

The modern Hereford cattle are medium to large animals. They are usually dark red to red-yellow in color with a white face. Their crest, underline and dewlap are also white. They have white flanks and white markings below the knees and hocks also. There is both horned and polled version of this breed available. The horned version has short and thick horns. Their horns are usually curved down at the sides of the head.


Hereford cattle are primarily a meat cattle breed. They are mainly used for meat production. But they are also pretty good for milk production and produce enough milk for their calves.

Hereford Cattle | Breed Profile
Breed Name Hereford
Other Name None
Breed Purpose Meat
Special Notes Very hardy, active, well adapted to almost all climates
Breed Size Medium to large
Weight Bulls Around 1200 kg
Cows Around 800
Climate Tolerance All climates
Coat Color Dark red to red-yellow
Horned Yes or polled
Milk Yield Poor
Rarity Common


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We have been raising dairy goats since 2004.Our herd has been certified “Animal Welfare Approved”since 2010

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